Course Description

Did you know that 5000 books are being published each day??

So why isn't anyone talking about those books?

The biggest mistake that author's make after publishing is believing that the book will sell itself.

You have to market your book if you want to sell it.

I talk to people every day who published books years ago and haven't made progress. 

They are make excuses:

"I don’t have time to market my book."

"I don’t know where to begin."

"I am not a people person"

"I already put it on amazon can't they see it there?"

"I already posted about it, isn't that good enough"

Marketing it NOT a one and done. You cannot share or talk about your book one time and expect for people to buy it.

Honestly, even if you share it or talk about  it 500 times that may not work either. 

To actually sell your book you have to have a marketing plan in place and be willing to step out of your comfort zone to sell it.

After all you put all the time, love, energy, effort and dedication into writing it you better be confident about sharing it.

On the day I published I sold less than 5 copies ( to family and friends). 

From there I continued to share my book online, but still it seemed like I was stuck. 

I wanted to be just like the people making thousands of dollars off of their book, because I put so much into it.
I wanted more people to read my book, because I knew the info was life changing. I just didn't know how to do it.

So I went back to the drawing board. 

I knew without a plan or direction I would be headed in the same direction and I did NOT like that.

 I decided to highlight my goal and market until I got there. I had to do things that forced me out of my comfort zone.

I decided to make some drastic life changes to focus on marketing my book like it was going out of style.

During this experience I journaled what I was doing, how I spent my days, what worked and what didn’t work. 

Little did I know that journal would serve 

as a blueprint to help others market their books successfully.

While in this process I became resentful, but now I am beyond grateful for this experience. 

It has taught me so much and changed my life.

More importantly I now use my trials and errors to teach other people how to market their book without the overwhelm and accomplish goals they couldn't even imagine. 

 I took my blueprint simplified it and now I’m able to help YOU market your book in half the time. 

Maybe you’ve published your book years ago and haven't had great results. 

Maybe you just published, but don't even know where to begin.

Maybe you had some success, but have fallen off and need some extra support.

You don't have to stay here.

The average self published author sells 250 books in total, but that doesn't have to be the same for you.

Despite what you have experienced, or what you have been told you can market your book and have fun while doing it.

You can actually make money from your book!!


I know this not because I did it, but because I have helped hundreds of others do the same.

I have spent years crafting a course that would work just for you to prosper off of your book 

without the overwhelm.

And I have great news....I am pulling back the curtains and sharing all of my strategies with you!

In the Market Your Message course you will learn how to publish, market and prosper off of your book. You will also learn strategies to stand out in a crowded market and how to become a best selling author!

In this program you will learn:

How to create a marketing plan

The biggest mistakes authors make and how to avoid them

The top steps you need to take to get started marketing TODAY

How to use both online and in person marketing strategies to make your book stand out

This program is for you if you:

Have started marketing but just can't keep the momentum

Just published your book and you want to set yourself 

up for success from the beginning

Don't want to launch to crickets

Want to be seen as an expert in your field

Want your book to be in the hands of those you wrote it for

Desire to add extra streams of income to your life

Fast Action Takers will get:

Online accountability group for authors

The Make Your Book Stand Out Course

The Best Selling Author Blueprint

A Fool Proof Social Media Formula (+8 Week Posting Calendar Prompts)

The Best Tools For Authors

Remember 5000 books are published per day and I am sure

 they have great value

BUT nobody will ever know about the great books unless they STAND OUT

Now is your chance to make your book do just that

What would it feel like to add best selling author to your bio?

What would it feel like to be known as an expert in your field ? 

It would feel beyond amazing . And the rewarding experience of walking through the process would be life changing. 

So now the real question is what has kept you from reaching that goal?

Are you scared of what it would take?

Are you unsure of what you need to do?

Do you feel like you're not qualified ?

Whatever it is .....cut the excuses 

It's your time to believe in your dreams and I have just the tool to help you.

It's time to go from blank checking account to best selling author!

Master Life and Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Dr. Nicolya Williams

Dr. Nicolya is a Christian, Girl mom, 11x best selling author, and master life and success coach and trainer. She is also certified in human design, Neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom techniques and hypnotherapy. As a multi passionate entrepreneur Dr. Nicolya helps women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. This is done through strategic, individualized and aligned goal setting. As a coach Dr. Nicolya has helped women launch courses, become international best selling authors, overcome fear and get speaking engagements, 10x their productivity, heal trauma and pain, overcome addictions, and get their coaching businesses monetized. You can connect with her on social media platforms @nicolyawilliams or on her website here:

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome To The Course

    • Join Our Private Accountability Group

    • Copyright Information

    • Goal Setting Contract

    • Goal Setting Commitment Contract

    • Goal Setting Funnel

    • Extra Support/ Phone Consultation

    • FAQ's

    • Program Prep Checklist

    • EFT Tapping For Starting A New Program

    • What does it really cost to write a book?

  • 2

    Publishing Process

    • Is My Book Ready to be Published?

    • Feel Confident In Your Book

    • Options for Publishing

    • Creating a STAND OUT Cover

    • Use Your BIASEC Category to your advantage!

    • How To Use Google Keyword Planner

    • Optimizing Your Keywords

    • Creating a sales page for your book

    • Make an Audio Recording For Your Book

    • Should I use an alias?

    • Do I Need An ISBN? What about a barcode?

    • ISBN FAQ'S

    • Should I get an ISBN for my Ebook?

  • 3

    Social Media Marketing

    • Stages Of Marketing Your Book

    • Social Marketing For Beginners

    • Critical Needs For Your Marketing Success as an author

    • Basic Marketing Strategies

    • Best Selling Author Blueprint

    • 99cent Best Seller Strategy

    • Marketing Options

    • Marketing Your Book

    • The Biggest Mistake Author's Make When Marketing Their Books

    • Avoid Common Marketing Mistakes

    • Creating a Facebook Ad for Your Book

    • Author's Guide To Making Money Using Social Media

    • The know like and trust factor for authors

    • How to use Quora as an author

    • 4 Pillars To Creating Content That Converts

  • 4

    Creative Marketing Ideas

    • Creative Marketing Strategies

    • How to Grow Your List to Sell Your Book

    • Get Featured

    • How to Get Your Book In Local Stores

    • When Should I Stop Promoting My Book

    • How Introverts Can Market Their Books

    • How to Be Featured On Well Known Sites

    • **Bonus* Make Your Book Stand Out

    • Book Sales Discovery Call

    • Pitching Script Template

    • Author's Launch Plan

    • Amazon Author Central

    • How to market your book the right way

    • How to write a press release for your book

    • Sales Cycle for Authors- How to make sales more sustainable and streamlined

  • 5

    Creative Options You Have As An Author

    • Creating a One Sheet

    • What Can My Book Do For Me?

    • Products You Can Create From Your Book

    • How to Create a Webinar Around my Book

    • Quick Resource Guide for Webinars and Courses

    • Launch Party

    • The Best Hosting Websites

    • How to create a media kit

    • Turn Your Book Into a Blog

    • Turn your book into a course

    • Checklist: Ways To Repurpose Your Book

    • How to get book reviews on Goodreads

  • 6

    Copyright Info

    • Copyright Rules

    • Copyright for poetry

    • Sample Copyright Page

    • Copyright vs. Trademark

    • Copyright your book details

    • Non Disclosure Agreement: When to use it and why it's necessary, plus a sample.

    • Getting Endorsements

  • 7


    • 35 Tools for Authors

    • Editing By Erica

    • *BONUS* Live Behind The Scene's Working Session

  • 8

    Market Your Masterpiece Close-out

    • Market Your Message Finale

    • Program Reflection

    • Closing Affirmation