Course Description

Are you tired of wearing multiple hats and feeling like you’re failing at every role?

Are you tired of setting goals that sit on your vision board for years and years while it seems like everyone is flourishing?

Are you wishing there was an easier way to balance all that life throws at you?

Do you feel like you hold yourself back from what you truly deserve out of life?

If you are reading this then

you’re liking empowered with so many HUGE goals but feeling like there isn’t enough time to actually be able to reach them.

You’re a mother

You’re a sister

You’re an employee

You’re a business owner

So when it comes to balancing life it feels impossible when you’re juggling so many other expectations and responsibilities

If anyone gets it I surely do. In 2016 I went through a ending a toxic marriage and adjusted to being a single parent of 2 young kiddos, started my doctoral program full time, wrote a book, started a business and worked a full and part time job. Needless to say I was busy I used to joke and say I removed one last name to adopt bush as my new name instead.

I was very resentful of that year because it hurt so bad for me to feel like I was doing all the things but it felt like I wasn’t doing anything. I was ready to jump

Off the struggle bus but no matter how hard I tried NOTHING worked. I didn’t feel any closer to my goals or desires.

Here’s the thing tho.....I knew I was called to so much more.

That’s when I became committed to living my life by design NOT default.

Once I learned this I promised to never leave another woman trapped. Basically, I became who I knew I needed at that time.

Can you relate to wanting to feel like

Life makes sense and is working on your favor

You want to FEEL FLOW but get stuck trying to force just about everything in life

You want to FOCUS but take care of everyone and everything else first. 

You would do ANYTHING to remove being overwhelmed and busy to instead help find balance in your life and in turn improve your productivity

That’s why I created the design a life you love program so that you can

  • Reprogram your brain so that you truly believe that success is possible.
  • Learn how remove beliefs that are no longer serving your highest good and preventing you from creating the life you want.
  • Increase clarity around what it is that you truly want
  • Gain increased confidence so that you can go after your desires UNAPOLOGETICALLY
  • Set goals and actually reach them
  • Overcome the overwhelm
  • Create a more disciplined life

This program changes your life and prevents you from living a watered-down version of who you know you're called to be.

Designing your life is about taking the time and, making the commitment, to invest in your greatest resource – which is you.

Master Life and Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Dr. Nicolya Williams

Dr. Nicolya is a Christian, Girl mom, 11x best selling author, and master life and success coach and trainer. She is also certified in human design, Neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom techniques and hypnotherapy. As a multi passionate entrepreneur Dr. Nicolya helps women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. This is done through strategic, individualized and aligned goal setting. As a coach Dr. Nicolya has helped women launch courses, become international best selling authors, overcome fear and get speaking engagements, 10x their productivity, heal trauma and pain, overcome addictions, and get their coaching businesses monetized. You can connect with her on social media platforms @nicolyawilliams or on her website here:

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome! Welcome!

    • Program Preparation

    • Copyright Information

    • Coaching Code of Ethics and DEI Statement

    • Extra Support/ Phone Consultation

    • Discounts For Working With Me

    • Why we use affirmations

    • The Learning Pyramid

    • Design a Life You Love

    • Design a Life You Love-Finding Your Purpose

    • Wheel of Life

    • EFT Tapping For Starting A New Program


    • 100 Day Goal Getter Guide Planner-eBook

  • 2

    Foundational Steps

    • Reminder Affirmation

    • Monitor Your Day

    • Master Your To Do List

    • Finding Your Focus

    • Where are you priorities?

    • How to determine your priorities

    • Mindful Meditation

    • Design vs. Default

    • BONUS!!! Personal Development Plan

    • Design a Life You Love- Decision Making

  • 3

    Goal Setting

    • Goal Setting Funnel

    • How to set PUSH goals

    • Personal Life Reflection Journal

    • Goal Setting Checklist (2)

    • Free From Comfort

    • Growth is a choice

    • A Practice to Change Your Perspective- Mind Storming

    • Design a Life You Love- Goals

    • 3 C's In Goal Setting

    • EFT For Goals

    • Looking at Your Goal In The Future

    • Using Index Cards For Your Goals

    • Goal Setting Templates

    • Weekly Affirmation

    • Week 1 Check In!

  • 4


    • Design a Life You Love- Mindset

    • Limiting Beliefs

    • Design A Life You Love- Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    • Design a life you love-Fear

    • Making Your Goals Limitless

    • EFT To Clear Limiting Beliefs

    • Detaching From The Outcome

  • 5


    • Design a Life You Love: Habits

    • Learn to Habit Hack For Good

    • Cultivating Positive Habits In Your Life

    • Habit Stacking To Increase Your Productivity

    • Break Those Bad Habits

    • Habit Hack For Good

    • *Bonus* Breaking Bad Habits For Good

    • Creating Positive Habits In Your Life

    • How to stop procrastinating

  • 6

    Embrace Change 7 Day Challenge

    • Design a Life You Love-Change

    • Design A Life You Love-Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone!

    • Day One of The Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Day Two of The Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Day Three of the Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Day Four of the Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Day Five of the Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Day Six of the Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Final Day of the Seven Day Change Challenge

    • Design a Life You Love- Self Discipline

    • A Simple Guide To Being Your Best Self

  • 7

    Day to Day Hacks

    • Planning to Increase Productivity

    • Using the pomodoro technique

    • Decision Making With Intention

    • Design A Life You Love- Understanding yourself

    • Why You Need To Write Down Your Daily Plans

  • 8

    Unplug and Solitude

    • Unplug Ebook

    • Unplug Resources

    • Solitude

    • Making Mindfulness a Regular Practice

  • 9

    Productivity Hacks

    • Design A Life You Love Through Shifting Your Productivity

    • 4 Productivity Hacks For Better Results

    • Productive Vs. Busy

    • Time Blocking To Increase Productivity

    • My favorite productivity hacks

    • Increasing Productivity

    • Productivity Hacker Tracker

    • Productivity

    • Brain Dumping to Increase Your Productivity

    • Daily Power Hour

  • 10

    Business Growth (This lesson is for entrepreneurs in the program)

    • Time Managements Mindmap For Entrepreneurs

    • Five Productivity Secrets for Entrepreneurs

    • 4 Time Management Tactics for Busy Entrepreneurs

    • 4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Time Management Skills

    • 5 Habits That Will Kill Your Time Management Efforts

    • 5 Ways For Entrepreneurs to Do Less and Accomplish More

    • Business Growth Challenge

    • Business Planning Workbook

    • Product/Service Feedback

    • Monthly Business Finance Tracker

    • Facebook Group Plan

    • Business Calculator For Profit

    • 90 Day Business Planner

    • Creating a Funnel That Converts

    • Get Your Next Paying Client NOW!

    • Master Your Revenue Workbook

    • Social Media Marketing Strategies

  • 11

    Your Routine

    • Design a life you love-routines

  • 12

    Self Care

    • Design a Life You Love-Self Care

    • Design a life you love- confidence

  • 13


    • Design a Life You Love-Values

    • Design A Life You Love-Play

  • 14


    • Design a Life You Love- Boundaries

  • 15

    Our Goodbye's

    • Final Affirmation

    • Program Reflection

    • Top 10 Habits That Contribute to Happiness

    • BONUS!!! Free 30 Day Affirmation Sheet

    • BONUS!!! Overcome Your Procrastination

    • BONUS!!! Having a Growth Mindset ALWAYS

    • BONUS!!! Personal Development Plan

    • BONUS!! The Planner That Changed My Life

    • Bonus!!! Design a life you love hypnosis

    • Bonus!!! Goals Aligned By Design

  • 16

    Motivational Mindset Audio's

    • Cord Cutting Activity

    • Limitless Goals For A Limitless Life

    • Regression Meditation

    • Success Place Visualization

    • Superhero Meditation

    • EFT Tapping For Opening Your Receiving Portal

    • Living Aligned By Design- Intro To Human Design Workshop

  • $555.00

    $555.00Plan to Publish Academy

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