Course Description

There has never been a better time to become a published author!

  • Joining this boot camp you will be given the strategies and steps to take your book from an idea to a published masterpiece.

Does it feel impossible to find time in your already busy schedule to write your book?

Have you been wanting to write a book, but have no clue where to begin or how to get started?

Does it feel like the dream of writing a book will always be just that.......a dream?

I have good news to share.....You're in the right place


What it would feel like to become a best selling author

What it would feel like to hold your book in your hand

How would it feel to look at your vision board knowing you

accomplished what you set out to do

How it would feel to have the chance to have extra streams of income

from your book

What it would feel like to know that your story positively impacted someone's life

I have good news for you..... THIS IS ALL POSSIBLE!

Introducing The Book Writing Bootcamp


You will learn how to cut your book writing time in half

You will learn how to find time in your busy schedule to write your book

You will learn how to market your book to people who actually want it

In just ONE month I will share with you:

  • The EXACT steps that I took to write, develop & publish my own book
  • Strategies for conquering the overwhelm and getting results that I have successfully used for my own clients
  • How to turn your message into an actual product that people will want to invest in
  • The simple steps to creating a successful promotional campaign for you book (without having to hire a PR Firm)
  • and so much more!

In just FOUR WEEKS you can hold your book baby in your hand.

****Because this process is full of value and intense (yet worth every bit of your effort) I can only work with a small group.****

Week 1:

Develop Your Message ($597 Value) -

Step by step formula to create content that can be done while balancing your busy schedule. Market research to ensure you stand

 out in a crowded publishing market

Week 2:

Package Your Passion ($597 Value) -

How to structure your book and set it up for publishing. Simple and creative writing strategies. How to create a schedule for success.

Week 3:

Stand Out ($597 Value)-

Final touches for a professional finished product that stands out. How to pre-seed to increase sales.

Week 4:

Prepare to Launch ($597 Value) -

Develop your customized plan to launch your book with success to meet your specific end goal. Tactics to get featured on BIG named websites.

Bonus #1

1:1 Bonus Consultation for the first 2 women to sign up ($127 Value)

Bonus #2

3 Day Publishing Kit Download ($497 Value)

· Teaching you to structure your book

· Tips, Tricks & Tools: to promote as well as publish

· Easy to follow along: simple, step-by-step formulas that will help you create content that will make your book STAND OUT!

Bonus #3

5 Day Book Writing Challenge ($197)

· This challenge walks you through the most important steps to

give you a jump start.

Bonus #4

Best Selling Author Blue Print ($197)

· Fool proof formula to hit best seller on Amazon!

Who is this for:

Someone who wants to write a book but needs a clear plan

Someone who is dedicated to their book writing journey

Someone who realizes that a little help can take them a long way

Someone who wants to share their story

This is NOT  for you if:

You are not willing to put in the time to write your book

Is unforgiving of making mistakes and unwilling to learn from them

If you are flat out LAZY!

Take a moment and ask yourself what would it feel like to......

Hold your very own book in your hand

To be a best selling author

To share your story all around the world

To actually accomplish the goal you set out to accomplish years ago

You guessed it, it would feel great.

So, if you're ready to get your book written then let's go.........

Master Life and Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Dr. Nicolya Williams

Dr. Nicolya is a Christian, Girl mom, 11x best selling author, and master life and success coach and trainer. She is also certified in human design, Neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom techniques and hypnotherapy. As a multi passionate entrepreneur Dr. Nicolya helps women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. This is done through strategic, individualized and aligned goal setting. As a coach Dr. Nicolya has helped women launch courses, become international best selling authors, overcome fear and get speaking engagements, 10x their productivity, heal trauma and pain, overcome addictions, and get their coaching businesses monetized. You can connect with her on social media platforms @nicolyawilliams or on her website here:

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome To The Book Writing Boot Camp!

    • Intro Affirmation

    • Where to begin with the program

    • Join Our Book Writing Online Community!

    • Copyright Information

    • The Tools I Use

    • Write Your Book In 30 Days-Masterclass

    • What does it really cost to write a book?

    • What Can My Book Do For Me?

    • Essential Questions Every Author Must Answer

    • Group Containers and Triggers

    • Your Agreement For This Program

    • Extra Support/ Phone Consultation

    • Book Writing Boot Camp FAQ's

    • Goal Setting Funnel

    • The 30 Day Plan!

    • Introduction Quiz

  • 2

    Module 1: Mindset

    • EFT Tapping For Starting A New Program

    • Mindset For Success

    • What You Need To Know Before Writing Your Book

    • Having A Strong "Why"

    • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    • Best Selling Author Daily Visualization

    • Emotional Freedom Tapping aka EFT on Book Writing

    • How to create lasting change

    • Weekly Affirmation

  • 3

    Module 1: Productivity

    • Productivity Hacks For Success

    • Create a daily power hour

    • Creating A Routine For More Success!

    • 21 Days to Break Your Bad Habits and Create Good Ones for More Happiness & Success

    • Productivity Hacker Tracker

    • How to find time to write your book on a busy schedule

    • How to overcome procrastination and write your book

    • 5 Things To STOP Immediately If You Want To Be Productive With Writing Your Book


    • Module 1 Check In!

  • 4

    Module 2: Market Research

    • Weekly Affirmation

    • Market Research

    • Market Research For Authors

    • Research Your Audience and Your Competitors

  • 5

    Module 2: Your Ideal Book

    • Who is this book for?

    • Types of Books

    • Deciding Which Book To Write

    • The PEEP Strategy

    • Finding Your Focus

    • Fiction Book Tips

    • Creating a GREAT first chapter or Prologue for your Fiction Story

    • Non Fiction Tips

    • How to strategically title and design your book

    • How To Use Google Keywords

    • Writing a novel/novella

    • How Long Should My Book Be?

    • Steps to write a children's book

    • Steps For Writing A Memoir

    • How to write an autobiography

    • Steps To Writing A Poetry Book

    • When should I start marketing my book?

    • **Bonus* Make Your Book Stand Out

    • Module 2 Check In

  • 6

    Module 3: Writing

    • Weekly Affirmation

    • The Writing Module Book Writing Boot Camp

    • Preventing Writer's Block

    • How to get started writing

    • Word Count Tracker

    • 3 Month Book Writing Breakdown

    • Preface, Prologue, Introduction or Foreword....Oh My!

    • How To Use Google Docs To Write Your Book

    • How to use a napkin to organize and write your book

    • Using index cards to organize your writing

    • A Great Outline= A Great Book

    • 3- Act Structure For Organizing Your Book

    • Mind Mapping Example

    • Writing Software

    • Writing Tips

    • Writing Perspective

    • Writing Made Easy

    • Ways To Organize Your Writing

    • How To Use The Snowflake Method

    • How to Use Imagery in Your Writing

    • Should you hire a ghost writer?

    • Talk to Text For Your Book

    • Should I use an alias?

    • Make an Audio Recording For Your Book

    • Week 3 Check In!

  • 7

    Module 3: Proofreading and Editing

    • Proofreading and Edit

    • How to write a synopsis

    • Creating a table of contents

    • Proof Your Book

    • Editing By Erica

    • Important Editing Tips

    • How to format your book

    • Illustration Process

  • 8

    Module 4: Publishing

    • Weekly Affirmation

    • Options for Publishing

    • Publishing Options

    • Self Publishing Options

    • Do I Need An ISBN? What about a barcode?

    • Do I Need an ISBN for my Ebook

    • Copyright your book details

    • Copyright Rules

    • Copyright vs. Trademark

    • Copyright for poetry

    • Sample Copyright Page

    • Non Disclosure Agreement: When to use it and why it's necessary, plus a sample.

    • Getting Endorsements

    • How to choose a BIASEC category

    • Copy of Ingram Spark Tutorial

    • The Most Important Part's of the Graphic Design Process

    • Optimizing Your Keywords

  • 9

    Module 4: Marketing

    • Stages Of Marketing Your Book

    • What You Need In Advance For Marketing Success

    • Avoid Marketing Mistakes

    • $1 Best Seller Strategy

    • Best Selling Author Blueprint

    • How to create a media kit

    • Create Your One Sheet

    • Pitching Script

    • Ask an expert! Author Platform Publicity Plan

    • Book Sales Discovery Call

    • Social Media Marketing Strategies

    • Social Media Marketing For Beginners

    • 4 Pillars To Creating Content That Converts

    • The know like and trust factor for authors

    • Creative Marketing Strategies

    • Using Live Video's To Market Your Book

    • When Should I Stop Promoting My Book?

    • Having a Successful Book Launch

    • How Introverts Can Market Their Books

    • How to Be Featured On Well Known Sites

    • Amazon Author Central

    • Sales Cycle for Authors- How to make sales more sustainable and streamlined

    • How to get book reviews on Goodreads

    • Module Four Check In

  • 10


    • Feel Confident In Your Book

    • How to Grow Your Business Write Your Book

    • How to turn your blog into a book

    • How to turn your dissertation into a book

    • Bonus!!! Products You Can Create From Your Book

    • Bonus!!!! 35 Helpful Tools for Authors

    • Best Hosting Websites

    • Should I participate in an anthology?

    • How to write a press release for your book

    • *BONUS* Live Behind The Scene's Working Sessions

    • *Bonus* Grammarly

    • BONUS!!! Free 30 Day Affirmation Sheet

    • Final Affirmation

  • 11

    Our Goodbye's

    • Let's Celebrate

    • Create Your Own Launch Plan

    • What are my next steps?

    • Tell Us Your Opinion

    • Our Goodbye's


5 star rating

Great Course

Aubrey Bennett

The value is unheard of!

The value is unheard of!

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5 star rating

Just after Week 1: Truly Inspired and Educated

Dawn Keys

Nicolya, Thank you so much for following the leading of God. You have taught me so much and lead me to follow through with my goals in so many ways. Solely i...

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Nicolya, Thank you so much for following the leading of God. You have taught me so much and lead me to follow through with my goals in so many ways. Solely in writing but I have applied some of these teachings (affirmations, habits, goals, accountability, and limitations). May God continue to bless you and all partaking in this boot camp.

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5 star rating

Book Camp Writing

Jeanine Bunzigiye

i can't even remember when i didn't receive a message or encouragement from Coach Nicolya. If i can say describe one among many values that i do admire from ...

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i can't even remember when i didn't receive a message or encouragement from Coach Nicolya. If i can say describe one among many values that i do admire from my coach Nicolya is consistency. I have watched her for many years before i did sign up to her program and she is always supporting people including even though i didn't sign up yet. She is a such a leader and really knows who to empower people. it took me time to complete my class and assignment but her consistency and her email reminders really touched my heart and i told myself in 2020 i have to finish what i have stared. Thank you again coach Nicolya for your tremendous and ongoing support and i wish many coaches was just like with their clients. Thanks, Jeanine

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5 star rating

Loved it!

Channell Everine

This camp helped me get further in my goals with the right tools and resources to carry through my book writing journey!

This camp helped me get further in my goals with the right tools and resources to carry through my book writing journey!

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5 star rating

Tyesha Cannon

  • $555.00

    $555.00Plan to Publish Academy

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