Course Description

6-Figure Profit From Your Purpose: How to Become a Money-Making Business Coach with Heart

In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn the specific skills and mindset techniques you need to create a successful, 6-figure business that serves others deeply and makes you generous amounts of money.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Gain razor-sharp clarity on your vision for your business and life, so you always know what you’re working toward
  • Deeply BELIEVE you’re worthy of success and EMBODY that so you attract the right clients & opportunities–effortlessly
  • Create easy-to-sell offers that feel good in your soul–not just “look good” on paper
  • Deliver high-quality, magnetizing content that also expresses your true views–and the true you
  • Get over your fear of selling and showing up–for good!

What will you learn specifically? Here’s what’s in store for you in this 4 lesson, self-paced course…


Turns out, sometimes YOU are the only thing holding you back. Lesson 1 will walk you through how to release your obvious and not-so-obvious fears and cultivate serious confidence in who you are, what you do and what you desire.

Lesson 1 will dig into…

  • Purpose and messaging—including simple-yet-profound journal prompts to help you finally nail down a succinct message
  • How to get much-coveted clarity on your vision (because if you don’t know what you’re working toward, you’ll never get there!)
  • The #1 belief you must cultivate if you want to feel confident and certain in your work–this is a deal (and bank) breaker!
  • How to deal with the limiting beliefs holding you back from your vision–and put them to bed once and for all!


There’s a lot of advice out there about what you should and shouldn’t offer in your business coaching biz. It’s time to toss all those rules aside! Lesson 2 will help you (finally) get clear on what YOU want to create and sell AND how to package it so others can’t wait to snap up whatever you put out.

Lesson 2 covers…

  • Why “doing what everybody else is doing” is a death wish for your heart-centered business
  • The exact questions to ask to find the overlap between what you’d love to offer–and what your people will easily lap up!
  • The pricing & packaging secrets that will make you rich and fulfilled (you’ll never have to worry if your offer is “the right price” ever again)


You’ve probably heard that the “secret” to attracting clients with your content is to focus 100% on delivering what they want. Lesson 3 takes a fresh approach to magnetizing clients with your content–in a healthy, fully-expressed way that doesn’t leave you feeling like a sellout.

Lesson 3 digs into…

  • The one “little” thing you’re unknowingly doing that’s stopping your creativity and flow right it its tracks–and a quick mindset hack to get back on track.
  • How to avoid creating watered down content nobody cares about–and a look at what the top heart-centered coaches really do to create irresistible content.
  • One massive mistake business coaches make when crafting content that leads to massive burnout–and how you can avoid it.
  • Why it’s just as important to REPEL the wrong people as it is ATTRACT the right ones–and how to do it right.
  • 4 questions you need to ask before creating ANY content to make sure you’re staying true-to-you–and serving your clients-to-be at the highest level, too.


Truth bomb: You have to get over your fear of selling to hit 6-figures in a heart-centered way. Our final lesson will help you rewire your mindset around sales, so you start seeing it as “serving” and never feel icky or slimy sharing your stuff–ever again.

In Lesson 4, we’ll cover…

  • The #1 belief you HAVE to change about your work to hit six figures or more a year–do this, and I pinky-promise selling will NEVER feel like a sleaze-fest again!
  • How to stop feeling guilty for charging good money for your services
  • A powerful exercise you can do if you want to deeply FEEL the value of your work on your clients’ lives–this is a MUST-do!
  • Why and how to show up and confidently sell EVERYDAY–plus why it’s actually great for your business if people unsubscribe, unfollow and unfriend you (seriously!)



Create Six Figures or More In Your Business Coaching Business–the Ease-ier Way

I know it might seem counterintuitive to take yet another course in order to figure out “how to be yourself” and make money doing you.

But that’s the beauty here: This course covers what so many others leave out. Let’s be honest: You’ll never get the results you truly crave from another course if you don’t have these foundational techniques in place first.

And when you do get them in place, life and business becomes so much easier–and more fruitful.

Just imagine how much your business and life would change if…

  • You felt unshakable confidence at your core in who you are and what you can offer your clients (and the world)
  • Insanely ideal clients were buying, loving and seeing off-the-charts results from every service, product and course you put out
  • You were showing up online in your own fully expressed glory–and being celebrated, praised and PAID for it EVERY single day!

Even better? You could stop imagining, and start implementing the rare, unique and valuable information inside this course & actually begin living it out.


Here’s my promise to you: If you snap up this course, you don’t have to spend one more day wishing your coaching business was making more money.

You don’t have to waste another second “trying on” other people’s systems, formulas and blueprints–and feeling defeated when they just don’t work for you.

And you don’t have to hide who you are ever again.

Simply commit to showing up and doing the work inside this course and you’ll learn exactly how to make incredible money by being incredibly YOU.


Master Life and Success Coach and Best Selling Author

Dr. Nicolya Williams

Dr. Nicolya is a Christian, Girl mom, 11x best selling author, and master life and success coach and trainer. She is also certified in human design, Neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom techniques and hypnotherapy. As a multi passionate entrepreneur Dr. Nicolya helps women bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be. This is done through strategic, individualized and aligned goal setting. As a coach Dr. Nicolya has helped women launch courses, become international best selling authors, overcome fear and get speaking engagements, 10x their productivity, heal trauma and pain, overcome addictions, and get their coaching businesses monetized. You can connect with her on social media platforms @nicolyawilliams or on her website here:

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome Welcome!

    • Program Prep Checklist

    • Copyright Information

    • Extra Support/ Phone Consultation

    • Coaching Code of Ethics and DEI Statement

    • Goal Setting Funnel

    • Personal Development Plan

    • Intro Affirmation

    • EFT Tapping For Starting A New Program

  • 2

    Module 1: Releasing Fear Owning Your Desires

    • Lesson 1: Releasing Fear & Owning Your Desires

    • How to become a business coach with heart: 60 Page Workbook

    • Limiting Beliefs

    • Top 10 Habits That Contribute to Happiness

  • 3

    Module 2: Creating Aligned Offers

    • Lesson 2: How to create aligned offers

    • The Truth About Market Research

    • How to price your services as a coach

  • 4

    Module 3: Unleash Content That Attracts Dream Clients

    • Lesson 3: Unleash Content That Attracts Dream Clients

    • Brand Checklist

    • Success Place Visualization Recording and Journaling

    • 4 Pillars To Creating Content That Converts

  • 5

    Module 4: Soulful Selling

    • Lesson 4: Soulful Selling

    • Get Your Next Paying Client NOW!

    • EFT Bundle For Manifesting Abundance

    • How to price your services as a coach

    • How to DM The Right Way

  • 6

    Mindset Work

    • Mindset Affirmation

    • How to set PUSH goals

    • The Patterns of Success

    • BONUS! Productivity Hacker Tracker

    • BONUS! Radical Shifts

  • 7

    Time Management for Entrepreneurs

    • Becoming an Entrepreneur

    • Time Management Mindmap For Entrepreneurs

    • Get More Done In Less Time

    • Resource Cheat Sheet

    • Five Productivity Secrets for Entrepreneurs

    • 4 Time Management Tactics for Busy Entrepreneurs

    • 4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Time Management Skills

    • 5 Habits That Will Kill Your Time Management Efforts

    • The Top 5 Time Management Apps for Entrepreneurs

    • 5 Ways For Entrepreneurs to Do Less and Accomplish More

  • 8

    Our Goodbye's

    • Final Affirmation

    • Tell Us Your Opinion

    • Program Reflection

  • $555.00

    $555.00Plan to Publish Academy

    Buy Now